It all started in the 1950s, when Fazenda Sete Lagoas hired the researcher Dr. Arthur Forest Camp, managing director of the Experimental Station of Lake Alfred - Florida, to select the best genetic material that would be destined to plant the new Edmond orchard. Van Parys in Brazil. Some varieties came from abroad, from countries like Argentina, USA and Spain, and others were selected in Brazil. These disease-resistant and high-yielding plants selected by Dr. Arthur were propagated in nurseries, and this intense work of genetic improvement in the cultivation of citrus never stopped, and in 2008, CITROGRAF and Carlos Van Parys de Wit became maintainers and exclusive distributors of genetic material 7L - Sete Lagoas *. The result of this work is to obtain highly productive varieties, of the highest quality for the fruit market, free of pathogens **, indexed to CVC, CTV, HLB, Citrus Cancer and other viruses. * RNC - National Register of Cultivars, number 25669 to 25680 and 29918 ** Proven by MAPA - SP and Secretariat of Agriculture SAA-SP